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nice 'fro
4 yearswho's the girl?
4 yearsabbey is my favorite redhead along with alice green and ella hughes
4 yearsmelody is great but the pixelation is a joke
4 yearsgordon/terry,I am'looking at myself'calling out a bully for posting the same stupid shit under every video
4 yearsgordon/terry.why would anyone be'jealous'of you?you post the same comment over and over again and anyone can do that
4 years'there's no scraps in my scrap book'
4 yearsI think this is the first time I've seen her real hair
4 yearsthis is some hustle this guy has going,he flies out a girl a week to have sex on camera and he puts it on his site,so he literally expense accounts his hooker payments and I'm sure the hookers are actually nice to him so they can get future work
4 yearswhat's her name?
4 yearsI watched a few of these videos and unless I missed something these guys never actually come in these things,that must be mighty frustrating and these guys must carry around industrial sized bottles of viagra because they stay hard for hours but they never come
4 yearsI can't believe ron jeremy ever made it so far in porn,the guy can't even get hard,he grabbed the base of his dick just to get it in the girl for more than half the scene,I guess it doesn't much matter in prison if he can't get it up anymore
4 yearsis the redhead maitland ward?
4 yearsthis ditsy bitch will instantly lose her nursing license when someone finds out
4 yearsthose eastern block girls sure put in the work,nearly 4 hours on cam with nothing to fortify her but her vape pen
4 yearsI guess that old sayin about''if she smokes,she pokes'is true because all these porn girls smoke,I think only about 14 percent of americans smoke but every one of them does
4 yearsshe looks like max from better things
4 yearsshe always maes me laughthe bad accent and the double exposure intro and ending like it's 1920 puts it over the top
4 yearsis that nick manning?I never saw him in a scene but I used to hear them talk about all the stupid shit he used to say in his movies on the howard stern show a decade ago
4 yearsthis is one of her best scenes
4 yearsI hope jenna appied for a pattent for that twist off blow job technique,that kinda genius move doesn't just grow on trees
4 yearsmy god,those were her real tits?she had to be insane to get rid of those things
4 yearsyou're not wrong with the discription,I thought I was the only one who thought that way
4 yearsthis is alexis love now,look at how much her body has filled out
4 yearsthis motherfucker looks like the wolfman or something,he's the victim of a gypsy curse
4 yearsthat's true but it's still surprising sometimes
4 yearsyeah,I didn't understand it because I don't understand simple english,that's it,you got me,if you're so above me why don't you go back to teliing black people how much smarter than them all other races are,and to the point of'it's not helping my case'why,because there 's letters misssing in the beginning of some words?I told you my keyboard is dne for last night and the new one isn't coming for another 3 days,also,the margins are so small I can't even see what I write before I post it
4 yearsit's not though,it's a morality and ethical argument,which,excuse me if I remind you about it,is your big argument about abortion,it's immora, the man is a criminal and you guys are all his dupes,you don't care about having a criminal at the head of your party because it's all a means to an end with you people
4 yearsit's a strange thing that you're so anti sex, anti woman and we're talking about this in a comment section of a porn site,forgive me if I thought you were a little more evolved in your views,I guess you're not very religious just anti choice,anti sex,and anti woman except when they're carrying babies to be used by the state either for the military or maybe to fill up the prisons when they hit the age of majority
4 yearsthe brood mare has no right to refuse and the owner does what they want without consulting them,don't get too far in the weeds with the metaphor,it's apt as written
4 yearsactually it is an argument, using utilitarian theory,if something hurts or helps the most amount of people that should be taken into acount,if that's not an argument then what is
4 yearsso you are anti woman I guess,or anti women who don't want to be a brood mare for the state, and you want to save babies to live in a miserable situation with a mom who doesn't want to raise them?this is like something out of the handmade's tale
4 yearsbut as I've already made clear to you,and you can check this yourself,61 percent of the american people think roe vs wade should stand so 39 percent of the population wants to impose it's will on the other 61 percent
4 yearsthem,my keyboard is going so I'm going to stop with the long replies
4 yearsno,it's not,you feel it's your personal mission to stop women from getting safe,legal abortions and to stop liberal ideas to seep into popular culture,woman used to die all the time from back alley abortions,I read about it and my father told me about it
4 yearsbut the thing is,there's a hell of a lot of people who have been put to death that were later found to be innocent of the crime,even the catholic church,the OG pro lifers who made up most of this anti abortion,antibirth control nonsense,mare anti death penalty,let the assholes sit in prison the rest of their lives,just don't kill them,all the court and lawyeer costs to kill someone is actually higher than the price of keeping them behind bars for life
4 yearsdo you really think you're on some wall holding back all these liberal ideas from crashing into the heartland and enslaving people?seriously,and I never mix my politics with my knitting,that I'll never do
4 yearsif the fetus can't live outside of the womb it's alive but not viable,I'm sure you're pro death penalty too
4 yearsexcept the thing is I'm talking about left wing politics these girls ascribe to and nol eft wing person believes there should be no abortiona and is pro school prayer,and I als onotice all the so called libertarians line up in lock step with the republicans every time,rand paul is a perfect example
4 yearsin not on
4 yearsyou keep holding me to it like that means something,I post all sorts of stuff and I never give it a second thought and neither should you,I hadn't seen her in like 4 years and that's why I commented
4 yearsi've never written down by critique of these chicks but there's a lot of times I hear the stupid shit they say and roll my eyes
4 yearsit's certain anecdotally is a fact girls in the porn industry are not pro life nor are they religious,but you can rest assured most of them are as nutty as a fruit cake though even though I agreee with them on a lot of things
4 yearsyeah but I know you're a big antiabortion guy from our talks in the past so that's one of the things you seem to have as your bedrock principles
4 yearsI get what you're saying but the fact is my politics aren't as lefty as you think from our arguments in the comments section,I'm a centrist as far as NYC goes,that might be a wild liberal in vatican city USA though
4 yearsobviously porn stars have liberal view points because of the industry they're in,it would make no sense for a girl who has sex for pay on camera to be anti abortion,pro prayer in school and to be pro'family values'that would be counter productive to their career choice I'm guessing
4 yearsI'll not I've
4 yearsalright,you'e convinced me,I'll be sure to"chastise'the next one I meet face to face and I've make nasty comments about them in comment sections from here to the north pole
4 yearsI just gave you a long treatise on why I feel the way I do about her and thething didn't post and my keyboard is acting up so I'll say this,take it easy,I don't care about this chick or thought about her once since I read what I quoted 4 years ago,she can like anyone she wants,she can have a secret shrine to joe stalin for all I care built in her backyard,it wouldn't matteer to me
4 yearsyes it would masked,trust me since I'm the one who wrote it
4 yearsI hear this one here is a big trump suporter,if you're selling sex it's best not to be political because either way you alienate half your fan base
4 yearsit seeems like lily waas able to do the whole scene without that bent over the garbage can and fucked thing they always used to do with these scenes,the producers probably didn't want to fuck with speigler because he's known as a tough agent
4 yearsthis is a legendary scene,she only did one and she looks like a young rose mcgowan to me
4 yearschl03 ch3rry
4 yearsmy god doeas she look different without makeup,she's borderline homely without it
4 yearsshe's one of the few who's scenes got tamer over time went by
4 yearsI second that
4 yearswhat's her name?I know she's canadian but I can't remember the name
4 yearsthanks
4 yearswe both know you wanting him replaced is in some way cumshot related because with you it's a about that"endgame'
4 yearswho is this?
4 yearsyou've got more than 8,000 videos in it so you're a total fucking loon by all evidence
4 yearswhat did he do that offended you so much though?
4 yearswe all see you deleted all our comments gordon/terry as usual
4 yearshe deleted I see,he needed more cumshot like I told him so he wants a replacement for this guy for some reason
4 yearsI didn't notice that he did repost,he said the exact same thing again about the guy being repleced
4 yearsgordon/terry,it's the EXACT OPPOSITE,you're not happy with it,that's why you want to have the guy replaced,I said it doesn't matter who does the job becsuae it's a blowjob scene so all it takes is a guy to sit in a chair and relax
4 yearsI'm sure he deletes this whole thread before the sun comes up but everyone now knows the type of asshole we have to deal with when anyone deals with him at all
4 yearsno,gordon/terry I'll keep going while you're behind,anyone knows to get casted in porn the man needs to have a larger than average penis and be abe to maintain an erection so if I were casting a porn dude I'd start there,I'd find out about the erection part by calling you up to come over to blow him until he fired into the back of your yap just to make sure of my decision(you can thank me later)
4 yearsthis particular blowjob scene?yeah,anyone who's cock isn't tiny and can stay hard can do the job actually,I don't'want the guy to stay hard'I just know that is a requirement on any porn set in the history of the world and always will be,who do you want to repace him with and why don't you start a petition too see if you can get that done?
4 yearsgordon'terry why on earh does he'need to be replaced'?it's a blowjob scene and he fits the requirements of having a cock and being abe to stay hard,I guess he didn't spray the proper amount of cum like you seem to love,we all know you're a fiend for'endgame'
4 yearsthe big titted redhead is amping up her scenes I see
4 yearsit's not bad enough trying to block out the stupid fucks in the video with these girls but now they're doing comedy bits like they're in some way funny,the only person in porn who's funny is tommy pistol and that's because he's actually not a bad actor
4 yearstoo bad she didn't do many scenes before she quit
4 yearshe almost said the phrase'ENDGAME'
4 yearsthat's right,,what about the pro swallow wing of the comment section gordon/terry?
4 yearsI gotta admit I'm a sucker for the twin angle
4 yearsnice tits on the crew cut girl at 1805,anyone know hwer name?
4 yearsas soon as I see this guy I know he's gonna fuck up the scene,no matter the girl this guy manages to ruin every one of them
4 yearsthis big titted redhead is trying to hide her redheadedness but it won't work