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camera angles so horrible
1 monthomg she got so into it, her best scene. she had real intimate sex.
2 monthswhere to find her!?
5 monthsthere is absolutely no plot to this. overproduction and you dont know whats happening
1 yearWHat is her name and what platform is she on?!
1 yearwtf lol she was possesed, couldnt even get horny
1 yearwhat a bitch. feel bd for the guy although its a porno
1 yearneed sound!
1 yearsii more of her
1 yearmore of her, where to find her. ive seen all on here
1 yearwhat a simp of a man. id be like B, you are not showing your tits to your friends..
1 yearwhy are they showing their nasty teeth? is it to be sexy?
1 yearwissh they had more sex scenes between them
1 yeari dont get why shes doing that, making herself gag off a toothbrush...not hot, weird to want to watch her throw up. idk who suggested her to do that but hes an idiot
1 yeardefinitely not indian. i thought spanish, but couldnt pick up any spanish words. maybe Arab or armenian or israeli
1 yeari think they are role playing
1 yearneed audio
1 yearwowwww
1 yearthis movie didnt really have a happy ending. shes a perfect whore uff
1 yeari would gave liked the third scene to build up more with another massage scene that becomes more sexual. i love build ups between scenes to build sexual tension instead of the mom and son jump straight into sex
1 yeari dont understand how she sucked his dick earlier and made out with him but she denies him after the encounter and tries to escape him..i dont get it
1 yearshe didnt enjoy anyrhing
1 yearwhat a body
1 yearwhere can i find her more?
1 yearwhats her name? how to find her?
1 yearThe licking scene was hott
1 yearwish they had english subtitles
1 yearwithout the damn music please
2 yearsman, why is she still with that asshole
2 yearsToo bad neither girl is attractive.
2 yearsEw, dirty feet
2 yearsSexy pose when she had her ass sticking out and we see her face against the bed like being fucked from behind
2 yearsAsian porn is so passionate
2 yearsWhat is MFC?
2 yearsFuckin online pimps companies. They take advantage of these women. It’s sad despite them looking sexy and that they make you cum, I wish there could be lawsuits or protests
2 yearsShe was a hot
2 yearsthey get such ugly guys getting lucky with hotties
2 yearsWish they had more intimate scenes and more of her body
2 yearsThe voice did not do it for me
2 yearsI love the POV with her face close. Need full version
2 yearsThat ass
3 yearsShe looks so bored
3 yearsHow she kept looking at the camera sexy af
3 yearsWowwww
3 yearsHottt. Something about her face
3 yearsHer face gets
3 yearsShe looks like a man..skip
3 yearsDon’t need a wig!
3 yearsAnd shave the pits! Other than that it was hot
3 yearsIs she chewing to resemble kissing? She needs to work on kissing sounds
3 yearsCan’t help but notice she is walking the whole time on her the balls of her toes without heels. Walk with your feet down, relax. It looks kind of uncomfortable
3 yearsShave the pits, though
3 yearsNoises from her too over exaggerated
4 years7:39 hottest moment
4 yearsSexy and beautiful. If only she revealed her tits. I would explode
4 yearsWish they were hotter looking
4 yearsShe has her moments in this. She looks hot in the thong, when she’s showing off her big ass. Sexy
4 yearsOmg that guy TALking to her so goofy lmao
4 yearsShe’s sexy
4 yearsHottttt
4 yearsThis is the best one
4 yearsFake moans do not get it going for me..too much acting makes them look stupid
4 yearsWow the ending was so hot by her
4 yearsPoor thing, she did not have a fun time
4 yearsSexy af
4 yearsShe is so elegant
4 yearsHer smileee
4 yearsShe looks like a baboon
4 yearsI don’t like the way she’s talking..her speaking style kinda annoying
5 yearsMeanies