That's a lot of lip filler...
5 monthsMaybe my all-time favorite girl right here. A shame her career was so short.
6 monthsShe is 58 years old here and I would absolutely still jump at the chance.
9 monthsReb3cca L0v3
9 monthsAs far as I can find, she only ever went by Tessa when did stuff with Score, but she's also possibly credited as Holly Rock.
1 yearDoes anyone know the name of the woman wearing glasses in the opening image?
1 yearI'm pretty sure that's Heather Lee. But who's the redhead at 8:10?
1 yearNothing VLC can't fix. ;)
1 yearBrooke Lee Adams
1 yearAll I can find is "Joy", no last name. All I've been able to find are some casting vids like this and NetVidGirls. Shame, she's cute and I wish she did more.
2 yearsMina Von D
2 yearsSuzie Sun
2 yearsThis is Aspen Stevens. One of my faves.
2 yearsDid you ever get a reply? I know her name but if you still want it via PM I didn't want to do that with no context. (Or if you had your answer already.)
3 yearsTanner Mayes
3 yearsAnnabelle something-or-other
3 yearsRita Jalace
3 yearsI think it's Sensual Jane.
3 yearsThis one is a classic! Thanks for uploading!
3 yearsPretty sure she goes by Abbey Rain
4 yearsShe seems to have performed under several names. The ones I see most often are Celia or maybe Kelly. I believe she also did a Ben Dover scene credited as Katie.