C’mon guy. Her name flashes on the screen seconds into the video. Stop fast forwarding long enough to read it..smh
6 yearsIf a bitch lets you stick your dick in her this is exactly what you should do to her. He ravaged this bitch’s asshole. She probably had to put a bandage over her asshole and use a wheelchair for a few days after this scene. Big booty slut. Lmmfao!
6 yearsEnvy is the black chic and the latina is Kira Rodriguez.
6 yearsDude it’s in the video info. Stop beatin’ your shit for 1 minute and read...smdh
6 yearsYo her name isn’t original at all and there are 2 other pornstars with similar names so she’s really hard to find. Her name is Darlin Nikki (without the “g” on the end). There’s also another chic called Darling Nikki (with the “g” on the end). The there’s a chic called Nikki Darling go figure. These bitches are too lazy to actually do research and come up with an original stage name..smdh