That is not her name, it doesn't even look like her.
1 yearNice
1 yearWho knows
2 yearsYappers
2 yearsKind of uncanny
2 yearsWow all tatted up from the back, how splendid.
2 yearsI'm not hard of hearing am I
2 yearsHuh.
2 yearsDude that was funny
2 yearsThat made me laugh too hard
2 yearsSomeone's got to know who she is
2 yearsHaha now that's funny
2 yearsDamn she's flexible as all hell
2 yearsWho's the chick talking in the background
3 yearsThat looks pretty funny
3 yearsThat's quite funny
3 yearsHow hilariously retarded
3 yearsNow that's embarrassing
3 yearsHow delusional
3 yearsWhat a title
3 yearsHa ha nice
3 yearsNice.
3 yearsThat's the plot of that one American Dad! episode
3 yearsHey look it's that one X-Men movie
3 yearsHuh, I went to one of those a long time ago.
3 yearsI remember when that goofy ass device used to be advertised on television.
3 yearsHa, she got a giant flea.
3 yearsThis isn't recent is it
3 yearsThat was so awkward.
3 yearsOh ok
3 yearsWhat do you mean?
3 yearsHahaha what the fuck.
3 yearsWhat a strange looking specimen.
4 yearsHey look everyone it's Lewis Spears.
4 yearsHahaha
4 yearsHuh how peculiar.
4 yearsAhhh that's just fucking sick in the head.
4 yearsYeah that's crazy
4 yearsIs that right
4 yearsCan someone pm her name please
4 yearsDid you now
4 yearsWell I'm sorry to say but you're shit out of luck there because I don't have any social media unless you count this but I mean come on I don't think anyone this as social media
4 yearsAhhh I see well ummm good luck with that
4 yearsI mean no offense or anything but what's it to you if she reaches that I mean seriously I'm morbidly curious is all
4 yearsWhat are you fuckin deaf
4 yearsHa she sounds like Jennifer Tilly
4 yearsI'm pretty sure that is her
4 yearsWhat they said
4 yearsI can't believe she got fake tits, it blows my mind like it's fuckin scanners
4 yearsThat has to be one of the craziest shit I have heard in my entire life
4 yearsHahaha he's watching courage