Spankbang is trash now my Telegram username is TheRealist502 Cashapp $15 to $TheRealist502 then message me and I will send you a invite to my telegram group where I will have all my videos uploaded there.
1 yearGood shit
1 yearThis was fire we need another one soon.
1 yearPlease add more of these
2 yearsNice got anymore
2 yearsMan I swear.
2 yearsNice. We need more with the black girl.
2 yearsNice got anymore?
2 yearsnice, do you have more of these?
3 yearsCan you upload the new ones that came out.
3 yearsCan you upload the new that just came out yesterday?
4 yearsupload that one plz
4 yearsDo you have any of the other latest ones?
4 yearsNice keep uploading these.
4 yearsWhere do u get these?
6 yearsGot anymore like this?
6 yearsGot anymore afrofreaks videos?