Says in the beginning of the video Monika, but I've came across some video of her when she was younger under the name Nancy C.Anuskha
2 yearsWhy lie to young lady about who bought them you Damn well who them along with the pink blouse. You just can't help yourself you have to lie about something. Was this one of many secrets, along with aka Nancy c Anuskha yeah saw those too. "Betty Crocker during the day Debbie does Dallas at night".
2 yearsRuby Jewel
2 yearsOh ooh, I know who you are I recognize those pajamas P.G.
3 yearsReferring to the slut you fucking her first initial of her name starts with a P, Isn't It? Has 3 kids a boy 2 girls?
3 yearsNancy C. Anushka
3 yearsJodie Jolie
4 yearsDamn i guess the fruit doesn't fall to far from the tree. Following mother footsteps are we.
4 yearsLooks alot like my Xgrlfd Mrs.G.M.H
5 yearsyou little slutty whore. yes you are.
6 yearswhat's her name?
6 years