Late 90s early 2000s
3 yearsBoring n a no
3 yearsOne all time fav. Classic
3 yearsClassic
3 yearsIs that Dee Dee bloom
3 yearsClassic
4 yearso ok she still fine as hell, one of my all time fav of 2000s
5 yearsone of my fav, shame she did like 3 or 4 videos and thats it
5 yearsits shame she only did like 3 or 5 videos but only 2 or 3 u really seen them often, other hard to find smdh, but she booty dede bloom are my all time favs
5 yearswhat happen to her videos, i remember like yr or 2 yrs ago, they was bunch of her videos and she was better cruvy and thick, she lost alot weight she boney now smdh
5 yearsshe white, not indina stop busting title that not true lol
5 yearsi know she latina , what is she ? mexican brazil ? any one know, i never knew what she is
5 yearsu think u going over sea and u doing porn there, but u dont know 4 real if they are clean, should of use just condoms
5 yearssucks she didnt only 2 videos, this one and another one she did as maid and that was it, man she was fine as heck, and thick too
5 yearsCLASSIC
5 yearsman they hardly any video of this chick, i only know another one, but she a maid in movie, any one has more of her, post it , she was one of my fav, shame she only did a few
5 yearslike her better she was thicker and cruvy now she lost too much weight, what happen to her early vidoes this and college casting couch they dont have it any more, can some one please post it again , it was one of her best
5 yearsi mean what up with second act girl, she sound like mouse lmfao
5 yearsmcg 1 is one best one he ever did, and C L A S S I C 2005
6 yearswow i never saw this one from her
6 yearsagreed, her boobs in older video was great, just stay that way, not get bigger, now it look all mess up, smdh but she still hott tho, just damn boobs smdh
6 yearsdoes any one really know his mixture, i heard its whtie/black or she really latina , i seen her in da 1st one and this one, and other latinas videos, in alot black videos. hmm any one knows for sure ????
6 yearsthats not her
6 yearsmarguetta she did like 2 with him, the other chick, i never really care for her that much, she was aight
6 yearso lovely all time fav
6 yearsits a shame she only did 2 of them with justin slayer, she was great and too great squirter too
6 yearsthats cali davenport
6 yearswhats name of blonde hair chick in 3rd part of movie ?? any one knows, she fine,
6 yearsthis was her 1st time ever on porn, she always have good show, but she one of my fav milf of mid late 2000s n 2010s she came back did alittle 2010 11 12 , i think she retired for good
6 yearsit sucks, her porn carrer was short , but damn it was great one too, one of my all time fav chubby/bbw
6 yearsshe one of my fav, but this one, i could remember she look like, she wasnt really happy there or guy lol
6 yearsdamn she fine, any more video of her, she thick and nice
7 yearssucks she did only couple video, i only see like 3 or 5, this one and other one, is ones i seem most off
7 yearsits sucks she only did like 2 or 3 i have seen on net, its hard to find ones of hers
7 yearship hop honey mia bunny
7 yearsdamn real life chun li
7 yearsfunny thing lookin back, now days its freakin annoying as heck, they only had 3 or 4 tracks , damn there was no money for soundtrack lol
7 yearssame here use to have it back in mid 90s
7 yearslast chick is best one, has nice ass pussy and breast
7 yearsshe still fine, thick, but ass alot bigger then
7 yearsonly thing didnt like, she lost alot weight
7 yearsi remember saw this 1st time back 99/2000 good times
7 yearsonly thing i didnt like, she didnt have sex at all, what shame
7 yearswhats her name, damn she fine
7 years
7 yearsshe got 2, hey try to get her on big booty white girls 2 she 1st time was good too, she squirted alot
7 yearsthis was her 2nd time with him, her 1st one was good, from big booty white girls 2
7 yearsshe thick right place, if she dont watch out then she be in chubby n fat side, but she just thick
8 yearslast part i mean black mix white
8 yearswhat is her back ground for real, i saw she in latina porn videos and black booty videos, is she latina mix with black or she white mix with white, i never really heard what she really mix with
8 yearswow she did gain weight, but she still fuckable, pussy phater bigger ass and breast, only thing didnt like, is freakin emo/dike look lol, but shit i still hit it
8 years1990 to maybe 92, she should stop doing stuff to her face, the way she was was fine, didnt see nothing wrong with it
8 yearsSHE look way better like this, then she got boob job, why she get dont get it, she already had great sets of boobs smdh
8 yearsi could understand, if they are a or b, they watn to be full b or full c, fine, but go all the way to e f g z, just look fuckin dumb lol
8 yearswtf happen to her boobs, they did bad job on them , ohh boy
8 yearsthis was wack, didnt even fucks her
8 yearsi also love her phat pussy fart
8 yearsshe latina not asian
8 yearsdamn she has really let her self go
8 yearsclassic
9 yearsshe was one of my fav back in mid late 2000s
9 yearswhat name of this chick, she fine
9 yearsshe always been my fav bbw
9 yearsthats angel eyes
9 yearsany body knows her name, she fine
9 yearsthats from mami culo grande 1, chick in video, thats victoria allure
9 yearswhats her name ??
9 yearssome one please post full version, she fine
9 yearsthats porn star FRIDAY
9 yearsteddi holland