the detective name is cristina carter or christina carter.
5 yearsRilee Marks is in the title but i dont know her ; the blond is julia Ann .
5 yearsexcuse me for my aweful english , i am spanish speaker so , my english is rusty
5 yearsbu bu bu but ? if you're right (and i think you are right) this video must have only 4 years becouse she is only 22 years old (according wikipedia) so , i completely wrong . and don be the first time of course .
5 yearsthank you so much
5 yearsthank you . i think you joking me , but its true . ! in my lenguage that name souns aweful and i never hear it before . sorry for my english
5 years90's video or early 2000 . this girl must be near 40 . someone knows her name ?
5 yearsshe's not andie . she is c3l3st3 5tar . i mean , light blue in spanish and estrella in english .
5 yearswho is she ?
5 yearswho is she ? her name please
6 yearsnot shure , heather vanderban or vandeven .