Don't bother. This isn't a JAV film. Note how there is no Mosaic?
5 daysI do like moms who share
11 daysThen you need to watch Japanese tentacle porn
11 daysAnyone know the code? All I can find of her are shorts.
2 weeksUnfortunately, part B was taken down, and I am no longer able to upload videos on this site for some strange reason. If any of you are able to upload, let me know how you're doing it.
1 monthOr Prof X at a podium getting a bj, ala Police Academy.
1 monthThat's why i loved 'Spartacus'. You get to see the real Xena nude.
3 monthsShame they closed your account on X Free
4 monthsThanks for posting these. I haven't seen any Max stuff in a long time. My fave was one with a Young Mexican Gal by the pool. Really went to town on her.
4 monthsThey claimed it was Psuedo-Ped, and got him on that. Simulated or psuedo, I forget, but they said it was "bad" for our oh so pristine society.
5 monthsBummer that as soon as they download it from Spankbang, the resolution will suck again.
5 monthsHope you get around to upscaling the one with Chastity Lynn on the bus (same collection this one is from). That's the first video I ever saw of this genre and started me exploring JAV. (Anyone who's seen my SB collection knows I'm a fanatic)
5 monthsGood job sharpening the picture.
5 monthsYeah, but thanks to him, we get to watch the students turn her into their sex pet.
5 months22:30 One of the best cock washing scenes ever!
6 months1:01:00 And the Oscar for Best Orgasm in A Motion Picture goes to....
8 monthsWait until you see the full version with MY subtitles.
11 monthsLove the air kiss to hubby on the phone at the end
1 yearI love Brittany's voice, and her body ain't half bad. Just wish they could find younger looking guys for her to play with.
1 yearSubtitles will require a LOT of editing, and I'm in the middle of a bunch of things, so it'll be a while.
1 yearFound the subtitles. I'll check them out soon and upload to my other account since Spankbang doesn't seem to allow uploads anymore. You'll need to subscribe to get that info.
1 yearThey don't exist. Yet.
1 yearOh yeah. seen everything. caught her on youtube. so glad to find she has an onlyfans account.
1 yearhave this in Hd now, and superior subtitles. Subscribe to see more!
1 yearHard to enjoy this without context. mom? teacher? Stalker?
1 yearI don't endorse the website this came from any longer. Hates adblockers and it's filled with poisonous url's. Missav is far better, but no English Subtitles.
1 yearLoved when she really started getting into it at 1:10:00
1 yearoh, I did the subtitles for this one. Had to stuff my pants with ice while doing them. Part of my private collection.
1 yearGreat series. Always love when he first sees that his mom attended his graduation and they run to each other, her taling his hands... So beautiful.
1 year Got rid of the banjo music and put something a little more appropriate in there.
1 yearFunny how the music does have a southern twang to it. Alabama, perhaps?
1 yearso they can get the video taken down and the poster's account closed.
1 yearA good video editor could reduce the volume of the music, and even let you replace it with something else. Maurice Chevalier, perhaps? Thank heaven....
1 yearLove the phone call at the end, when that guy asks her out and she has to tell him that her dance card is rather full now, among other parts of her body.
1 yearactual movie is 2 hours long. Amazing how short they get when you cut out the small talk
1 yearOh, she's not slutty. She simply processes the boys' sexual desires so that they can better focus on their school work, with her husband's approval. In fact, she records all of it so her husband can see just how devoted she is to the boys' academic futures. (Subtitles help understand the story)
1 yearAnd yet another account closed because idiots insist on posting the codes, titles, and actress' names in the comments and in the posting titles. Drek.
1 yearI'll be happy when I get the chance to make proper subtitles for this little gem, as I've done for so many others.
1 yearactually reminds me of the movie "Money On The Side" 1982, except that has a darker ending.
1 yearMore like she was turned on to tricks
1 yearThis would make for a great reality show, huh?
1 yearMany Mature Momma's Making Men
1 yearTakara Teaches Timid Teens Touching Techniques To Taunt, To Tease, To Titilate! Subscribe to see!
1 yearNow if it could only take out the trash and bring home a paycheck....
1 yearNice subtitles. (lol)
1 yearBTW, if you have no posts, or you have no likes, or you have no playlists, in other words, no activities. Don't bother to subscribe
1 yearPrivate version has much better subtitles, and the Bit-Rate is a lot higher. Subscribe to see for yourself!
1 yearI still say her doing the housework in the first few minutes is the hottest part of this video.
1 yearNice to see the theatrical cut of this movie again after all these decades. The VHS version had edited out the best parts of the double fisted counseling session due to 'blue laws' regarding fisting at that time. Loved that scene.
1 yearDamn. Wish I could find the subtitles for this movie. 30 year old unhappy wife finds excitement again with the neighborhood boys. Love it.
1 yearSomeday (yeah, right!) I will have to revisit these subtitles.
1 yearoh yeah. You do know that you can delete his comment, right?
1 yearWondered why thatidiot's name seemed so familiar. Banned him from my collection ages ago, and for the same thing. Posting codes and titles and names just gets vidoes taken down and accounts closed. Drek.
1 yearLike this one.
1 yearYou should go private like I have, and ban people who post the codes and get videos taken down and accounts closed.
1 yearThis woman has made quite a few hot May-December videos. Working on the subs for a couple now. Wish I could find sub's for this one as well.
1 yearMy private version is in HD and the subs are much better. Subscribe and see for yourself.
1 yearnice to see this is still up and playing since the account was closed
1 yearI do love this series!
1 yearah... the dark, dark, hairy days of porn... Love it. Miss it...
2 yearsI stand corrected. Thanks.
2 yearsThanks. Never would've guessed from the title. Could be why this guy hasn't posted in a year. Posting/commenting on those codes gets videos taken down and accounts closed. Thanks for performing your public service, again. Drek...
2 yearsThe private version has better sub and it's in HD. Subscribe!
2 years1978. It probably played in Drive-ins (Still around at that time), so yeah, no money shots.
2 yearsLet's hope HBO picks this one up
2 yearsThe private version has far better subtitles. Subscribe to see!
2 yearsYou do know that the pixelation hides the fact that those are fake cocks, right?
2 yearsHmm... Codes posted in comments 2 years ago... Account closed by Admin 2 years ago... Coincidence?
2 yearsWow. Haven't seen thia one in a long time... Thanks!
2 yearsIn fact, I did the subtitles for this one. Really hot when you know what's really going on.
2 yearsFor the HD version with really good subtitles, you'll need to subscribe!
2 yearsor is it was subbed properly, like the versions I post. heheheh
2 yearsOne of the few with a sad ending. She's hooked on kids' cock, but they're bored of her now. I prefer the happy endings where she's hooked and given over to the guys, heart & soul.
2 yearscan't find one, but I am almost done polishing up the subtitles for this flick. It's one of the best I've seen, so I feel it should have quality subs.
2 years4 years and no posts from Ezura020. Ya think maybe posting those movie codes might have gotten his account closed? (Rhetorical question)
2 yearsKaren Summers... from Dukes of Hazzard to porn queen. God she was a cutey.
2 yearstoo bad Kay Parker gets only a flashback type of scene for a few seconds from the previous movies. She made the first 3.
2 yearsoops, sorry, Jerry Butler is in Taboo II, not this one.
2 yearsMy gf and I saw this in the theatre when it was brand new. Nice to see kay parker, Jerry Butler, and good ole Aunt Peg again. Thanks. (I don't miss all the body hair tho.)
2 yearsMy comment has been deleted, so let me re-state this about the 'Mother's Friend' videos. They all have bitter-sweet endings where she has to leave, and while walking away back to the real world, she turns and looks back wistfully, wishfully... Beautiful. Someday, I hope the West can make AV just as good as the East has for some time. (Sniff!)
2 yearsI just remove that stuff
2 yearsYou should see what's inside. SUBSCRIBE!
2 yearsWow! Were those sub's intense! Phew! Great in HD as well.
2 yearshm... a code posted 3 years ago, when the movie was posted 3 years ago, and nothing posted since then... hm.... (It's called sarcasm. Do The Math)
2 yearsWorking on the sub's for this one. Love that girl!
2 yearsDefinitely one of the hottest from that series. I just wish I could find a decent subtitle file for it.
2 yearsYou know what would be great? If this movie had started out with the four mom's being friends and having tea or lunch together, talking about the sexual encounters with their son's friends, introducing each vignette that way. Tie them all together.
2 years6 months since your last post. I'm betting that using the codes got your account closed. When will they ever learn?
2 yearsCzech fantasy gloryhole. When will the West catch up?
2 yearsFunny. I was just going to leave the message "Simpsons Did It!" Because of that!
2 yearsCommon Nomenclature mistake. One woman + 2 men or one man + 2 women is a threesome. One woman + 3 or more men is a gangbang. One man with 3 or more women is a reverse gangbang. Two or more couples having sex in the same room or general area IS group sex. 4 or more couples, and possibly an extra woman or two is an orgy. Just wanted to clarify things a bit. LOL
2 yearsAmazed this is still posted considering it got the poor guy's account closed.
2 yearsNothing like a sweet GF with a really hot mom! Subscribe!
2 yearsA great friend has a hot mom! Subscribe!
2 yearsLeave reason behind. Subscribe!
2 yearsMom's always have such friends. See how hot they can be! Subscribe!
2 yearsSee what else has been brought to life! Subscribe!
2 yearsI gave GRIMWALD07 fair warning.