I genuinely can't tell if the cuck bit was fake or not. Like, it's hard for me to believe that this dude would make such a show like that. Like, it's embarrassing sure but damn. It honestly looked like he was trying not to smile while he was initially putting his briefs back on.
Laughable how beta males women for ruining relationships and society at large but in reality they themselves lead women in the direction to become a slut then cry about it 😂👎🏻
lmfao L white dude
and the oscar goes to leading cuck in a dramatic role...
whats her @?
Kennedy Blasingame
I genuinely can't tell if the cuck bit was fake or not. Like, it's hard for me to believe that this dude would make such a show like that. Like, it's embarrassing sure but damn. It honestly looked like he was trying not to smile while he was initially putting his briefs back on.
That's our girl now
What is she saying to keep the white guy coming back?
Who is this couple? I want more cuckold videos of them
Love the real world graduation pic at the start. Sluts always manage to show themselves behind closed doors.
Not Mary McRae
He's bar ed out. Ew.
Based af
Laughable how beta males women for ruining relationships and society at large but in reality they themselves lead women in the direction to become a slut then cry about it 😂👎🏻