The fuckin is good. But get rid of the cigarette. I'm sure he doesn't want to smell the tobacco. Tobacco kills sex too. Don't get me started on the health risks. Smokin isn't taboo. It's a dirty digesting habit that can kill a human, including birth defects. Also if u live in a state where the women can't get an abortion. Well let's say what could happen.
Dude, your camera work sucks--those boobs need more attention. Oh, and stfu.
The fuckin is good. But get rid of the cigarette. I'm sure he doesn't want to smell the tobacco. Tobacco kills sex too. Don't get me started on the health risks. Smokin isn't taboo. It's a dirty digesting habit that can kill a human, including birth defects. Also if u live in a state where the women can't get an abortion. Well let's say what could happen.
good one
Bro stfu
Not bad