I remember this series. They always featured big fuckin' butts. Unfortunately, you never saw these bitches featured in anything else. Most of these bitches are probably hiding in plain sight nowadays, hoping that these old videos don't resurface. Some of them are probably housewives and grandmothers now. LOL!!!
Am I the only one that thinks women fucked better in the 00s? I mean you can see how hard the guys cum that the women fucked you so good..you forgot there was even a camera
I remember this series. They always featured big fuckin' butts. Unfortunately, you never saw these bitches featured in anything else. Most of these bitches are probably hiding in plain sight nowadays, hoping that these old videos don't resurface. Some of them are probably housewives and grandmothers now. LOL!!!
Am I the only one that thinks women fucked better in the 00s? I mean you can see how hard the guys cum that the women fucked you so good..you forgot there was even a camera