It kinda saddens me that This is all Black pron has become. I am not taking shots at this two they are good, but you get a few second to see her face and then all you even see is the side of her butt cheek. When it comes to so many black chicks now they almost always cover their tits, you never see their face, and while she moans in this one, you hardly her them moan too. It's like the guy might as well be holding one of them dolls that is just the butt, hell you hardly see pussy too!
What's her name ?
It kinda saddens me that This is all Black pron has become. I am not taking shots at this two they are good, but you get a few second to see her face and then all you even see is the side of her butt cheek. When it comes to so many black chicks now they almost always cover their tits, you never see their face, and while she moans in this one, you hardly her them moan too. It's like the guy might as well be holding one of them dolls that is just the butt, hell you hardly see pussy too!
Oh hush and jackoff. Its not like you interested in her anyways
It's porn, it's not that deep.