wide-eyed white boys, It's as if they're in some sort of trance. They can't help but stare at black pussy, It's like they're under some sort of spell; they can't look away. I swear, "black pussy" must be every white boy's "kryptonite." They can't resist it, no matter how hard they try. They're drawn to it like moths to a flame
Jaymee Green is gorgeous
Ebony_int3rr4ci4l J4ym33 Gr33n
She's sexy
wide-eyed white boys, It's as if they're in some sort of trance. They can't help but stare at black pussy, It's like they're under some sort of spell; they can't look away. I swear, "black pussy" must be every white boy's "kryptonite." They can't resist it, no matter how hard they try. They're drawn to it like moths to a flame
she needs more bbc scene. TF is this
wcc=white cracker cock...
I'd love to pop a Mocha bun in her oven. Take the White Man's seed!