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She has everything needed to dominate the amazon porn market.
Snu snu ;)
She ruined her body with all the lame ass surgery
Yeah I don't see the reason for the hype
Used to follow her on ig before the porn and surgeries she was bad back then though sexy as hell
She Looks Tall
She is
She's only 5'7 according to Google
She’s gotta be close to 6’0”. Could be listed at 5’7” so as not to intimidate
Who cares about her height etc it's nice pussy.
Save this one boys they delete her shit. Top ten black pornstars rn doe.
Haven't seen her do anything new for a while anybody know what happened to her?
porn companies either don't wanna book her because she has too many tats or they do and they don't wanna pay her rate. this is according to her on twitter
Damn had no idea there was a stigma on tattoos in Port
Is she an actual woman or tranny?
is her voice really this deep? sounds like some one altered it. Just wondering.
She suppose to be 6' Tall ass bowl of Grits!!
What an ugly bod
She looks horrible now... why they Tupperware (plastic) up when they blow up...
Yeah nah this not it
Anybody seem the one she made with McQueen
He never even posted it on his of.
He fucked her?
Issa man.