Was never into ths girl shes not bad looking but I think her whole schtick of being a self aware e-girl and constantly teasing full pronography gave her a mystique. She kept teasing more and never delivered
she's famous for being a tease for years. her buisness model has been copied many times over. tease- risque tease- nudes- more nudes- dildo sex- m/f sex. she just does extreme tease by dropping some vids per year then flashes duces once her coffers are full.
idk how yall fap to this...she literally looks goofy. idk maybe the smile just isnt my vibe but yeah completely manufactured in the worst way. way more girls similar bodytypes way more appealing
Nah, she just shoulda done a better job. More enthusiasm, a better male co-star (not her short/chode dick bf), and the same weird/kinky energy she had in the vids that made her "famous."
This 100% isnt her.Physically she looks so generic you'll find 1000+ near lookalikes in a western city of 100 000+ people. Belle delphine is the Emmet from the lego movie of E thots.
The wall? Let's be real here. Physically, she looks exactly the same other than the tits (which I didn't notice). How can you be talking about the wall here?
I'll never understand the hype around this girl.
god DAYUM! this hoe is stupid! xD seem better hoes turning tricks on their regular corner, man! why dafuck is this hoe so famous is beyond me XD
Was never into ths girl shes not bad looking but I think her whole schtick of being a self aware e-girl and constantly teasing full pronography gave her a mystique. She kept teasing more and never delivered
Once she actually did full on porn the interest seemed to fall off Dramatically
Because it was trash
she's famous for being a tease for years. her buisness model has been copied many times over. tease- risque tease- nudes- more nudes- dildo sex- m/f sex. she just does extreme tease by dropping some vids per year then flashes duces once her coffers are full.
She aint the little toy doll anymore is she...
idk how yall fap to this...she literally looks goofy. idk maybe the smile just isnt my vibe but yeah completely manufactured in the worst way. way more girls similar bodytypes way more appealing
Lmao at all the comments hating on her. All of you would fuck her if you could stop being so petty
She shoulda never did the b/g stuff. That lost her charm. And she looks so different this time around. So sad.
Nah, she just shoulda done a better job. More enthusiasm, a better male co-star (not her short/chode dick bf), and the same weird/kinky energy she had in the vids that made her "famous."
This 100% isnt her.Physically she looks so generic you'll find 1000+ near lookalikes in a western city of 100 000+ people. Belle delphine is the Emmet from the lego movie of E thots.
Who noticed the spider @1:13 ...
why she looks so sad tho?
she comes in waves
She's barely a human. Just off-putting to see whatever this thing is. That fake smile is just... YUCK.
the funny thing is, nobody in their right minds would bat an eye at this chick irl
still not Amouranth level tho. Amouranth is the peak of fake porn !
Hit the wall faster than anyone expected. The titjob was a big L
The wall? Let's be real here. Physically, she looks exactly the same other than the tits (which I didn't notice). How can you be talking about the wall here?