No... you only gay if you're attracted to masculine looking men.. especially if you want to suck dick and get fucked. You're a top and you only want to get your dick sucked or fuck some booty that's all good. You just gotta make sure you wear a condom anytime you fuck one of these bitch boys. That bussy be good as fuck make you want to nut all in they ass but don't take that rubber off with them.. save that for the women. Get you a femboy to come suck you up on the low. Shits life changing
Fukin a female impersonator does not make a man anything but basic. That shyt is a joke. Now if you actually treat a trap like an actual WOMAN, yeah you may as well be a full on faggot. That's the difference.
She leaving my crib pregnant. I want next
Damn that bussy fat
I'm not pulling put idgaf
Me either
id eat the shit outa that thikk black azzncokk
Dude thought his ass hole was a vagina trauma
What's the name
You and me both
Wouldn't that make you gay?
No... you only gay if you're attracted to masculine looking men.. especially if you want to suck dick and get fucked. You're a top and you only want to get your dick sucked or fuck some booty that's all good. You just gotta make sure you wear a condom anytime you fuck one of these bitch boys. That bussy be good as fuck make you want to nut all in they ass but don't take that rubber off with them.. save that for the women. Get you a femboy to come suck you up on the low. Shits life changing
U not gay unless u attracted to male features
No 🤡
Fukin a female impersonator does not make a man anything but basic. That shyt is a joke. Now if you actually treat a trap like an actual WOMAN, yeah you may as well be a full on faggot. That's the difference.
Damn cause I always wanted to fuck big booty guys like this but thought it would make me gay
No it wouldn't
Some of the sweetest sex I have had has been from femmes, I am only into feminine energy.
U not gay unless u attracted to male features
This is a funny ass thread of comments😂
But you watched and commented 😂
what a time to be gay!
i aint, but i be damn if i walk in the room and this gurl is waiting on me, i'm drilling a bust all inside that ass, lol
Wait so I can fuck him and not be gay?
Yes. That ass is too phat to not fuck. It's gayer if you wouldn't hit
yeah if you still like fucking women
W cause bro make me want to put a baby in him
You spoze to, that's what femboys is for
You don't catch feelings, you just get the head, fuck em, then buss in 'em and on 'em
His name?