The best thing I ever realized was that there was a difference in what I wanted and enjoyed sexually and what I wanted in a romantic relationship. I was so confused because I was bi when it came to sex but had absolutely no interest in men other than that. Didn't find them attractive, didn't wanna date them just enjoyed bi sex sometimes. I hooked up with a bunch of swinger married couples in my 30s & that when I understood.
Nombre de la primera chica?
The best thing I ever realized was that there was a difference in what I wanted and enjoyed sexually and what I wanted in a romantic relationship. I was so confused because I was bi when it came to sex but had absolutely no interest in men other than that. Didn't find them attractive, didn't wanna date them just enjoyed bi sex sometimes. I hooked up with a bunch of swinger married couples in my 30s & that when I understood.
same here
Third. Not really into men other than sucking thier cocks. Wish I was sucking one right now