The color could be any number of totally normal and harmless reasons: abstinence (he was saving up), vitamins, aging, just to name a few. I'm posting this because someone out there might feel self conscious about this, thanks to people like you. So mind your manners, or educate yourself before choosing to be an asshole.
I agee. Matter of fact I've had several partners with very thick yellow sperm. That kind of cum has it's own unique flavor - a yummy acquired flavor. This video makes me wish I had some hot nut to swallow and appreciate
Sydney sweeney ?? Is that you
Guy #4 had a sack load of rotten sperm.
The color could be any number of totally normal and harmless reasons: abstinence (he was saving up), vitamins, aging, just to name a few. I'm posting this because someone out there might feel self conscious about this, thanks to people like you. So mind your manners, or educate yourself before choosing to be an asshole.
Get a life, jackals.
Pretty sure the guy ripping on the color of some other guy's cum is the lifeless idiot.
I agee. Matter of fact I've had several partners with very thick yellow sperm. That kind of cum has it's own unique flavor - a yummy acquired flavor. This video makes me wish I had some hot nut to swallow and appreciate
Only a few girls can gulp a batch with that guy's load with ease
This video is on My likes... her name
Vera Jarw
what's her name?
BTW: Can we PLEASE GET MORE OF HER swallowing cum?? PLEASE!!??