That woman is so beautiful and sexy. What's her name? I tried searching for her by the name Madeline Blue as it is written in your descritption but it doesn't show her.
She does not need a belt of power. Her powers are hers, she does not need tools to make her strong only her bracers to stop bullets and othewr projectiles.
wonder woman is just a regular woman without her belt of power and that guy just took advantage of that she is unable to fight him in her regular state
That woman is so beautiful and sexy. What's her name? I tried searching for her by the name Madeline Blue as it is written in your descritption but it doesn't show her.
Pyro2488 , her real name is Bella Luciano, she's italian .
She is Madeline Blue
She does not need a belt of power. Her powers are hers, she does not need tools to make her strong only her bracers to stop bullets and othewr projectiles.
watch 70s live action wonder woman show thats the wonder woman canon they are following where her belt is the source of her powers
The comic book is the ONLY canon! That stupid tv show is nothing!
Understood, but many WW fetishists grew up on that show, so good luck convincing them they should change
wonder woman is just a regular woman without her belt of power and that guy just took advantage of that she is unable to fight him in her regular state