If mine shrank anymore it would be the size of a literal clit. I'm 1.5 erect. I started as 3 inches before a year of chastity. Been out for several months and haven't recovered the length. My wife just thinks it's funny bc I'm a premie with a 1 inch dick. She has her 2 bulls and gf. I have cleanup duty. Life is pretty good, just wish I could get those 2 inches back.
as a little penis asian male, i always dream of having a big cock like white and black men.
If mine shrank anymore it would be the size of a literal clit. I'm 1.5 erect. I started as 3 inches before a year of chastity. Been out for several months and haven't recovered the length. My wife just thinks it's funny bc I'm a premie with a 1 inch dick. She has her 2 bulls and gf. I have cleanup duty. Life is pretty good, just wish I could get those 2 inches back.
She's fantastic, we need more of her on the website
she's so hot, need to know her name
Her name?
Amina Rose
Yes we need a name!