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“Very well," it said. "I am a mighty fortress, sheathed in stone." King Vikram thought for a moment. "I am a catapult," he said. "Stone-breaking, fortress-sundering." "I am a saboteur," countered the vetala. "Oath-breaker, weapon disabler." "I am ill luck," said King Vikram. "Upending plots, dismaying plans." The vetala was favorably impressed. "I am fortune," it said. "I crown luck with destiny." "I am free will," said King Vikram. "I challenge destiny with choice." "I am divine will," said the vetala, "to which choice and destiny are one and the same." "I am myself," said King Vikram. "The only thing that is mine to give, by choice or by destiny.” - G. Willow Wilson, Alif the Unseen
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